Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Fever

Spring is here and with it comes "Spring Fever". My pets are all going crazy wanting to get out side. Well, my pug Bug is always crazy, but he is even more so now. Mia, my other pug, is normally very quiet, but even she is starting to run around. Hopefully she won't give herself a heart attack as she has gotten quite heavy over the winter months. Klinger, my old cat, has come out from hiding under the blankets and has been meowing at the door. Mind you, as soon as he gets out he wants back in since it is still very cool out.

The spring gives me a fever too, but with me it is to clean and to organize and to build. I keep looking out at our shed made of barn board. The attractive gray building, with its two windows, seem to be calling out for a couple of window boxes. I am thinking about pulling our old smoker apart and building the window boxes out of it's wood. I may even have enough wood to build a window box for my Mom's shed as well.

My husband and I have been talking about building a worm condo for outside this summer. I wonder if they will do well out there or if it will be too hot? I guess the only way we will find out is to put some out there and try it. I will definitely keep some in the house as I don't want to lose them all if it is too hot and dry out there.

We have many projects in the house going on right now. Sometimes I wonder why we don't finish one job before beginning another. Our dining room and kitchen are pulled apart, ready to receive a face lift, our computer/scrapbook/crafting room is partially done and waiting for attention and our basement is in shambles as it is the catch-all for all the rooms that are pulled apart.

I am itching to do something, but I am unsure where to start. Oh well, I guess it is best to dive right in and just DO something. That will get the ball rolling. Look out Spring, here I come!!!


  1. I love it...we are so ready for spring! I can't wait to start planting my garden and my herbs but I've got about another month before I can do that. Your pugs are gorgeous by the way! They're so sweet sitting on the patio furniture :-)
    Pug hugs and kisses!
    The Pug Posse

  2. That photo, of my pugs, was taken last summer. There's still too much snow out there for me to get out the patio furniture yet. I told my hubby that I may have to shovel the remaining snow banks onto the lawn, to spread it out so that it can melt faster.


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